Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Balls! The best fun I had all week, so far....

This week I'm writing about balls.

I love the days when you take a step back, look at the kids and say, o.k. let's leave our tuition for a minute and just have fun for the sake of it.

Bouncy balls - the smallish ones are the best, they serve no purpose but fly everywhere, resulting only in fits of laughter, smiles and pure silliness (and that was just from me).

Absolutley divine.

I brought spikey balls, flashing puffer balls and smelly balls into the mix (from our shop at hometrain..of course) and had even more fun.

How many words and wonderful descriptive language being used? Tonnes.

Which ball do you want? Shall I roll, throw or bounce? Can you catch the ball? Big or Small? Fast or Slow? High or low?
I urge you to stop for ten minutes, clear the decks (and the desk) grab the kids, produce a bag of bouncy balls, and go for it!!
And if you haven't played with bouncy balls for a while - try it by yourself first!
If you've no balls - shame on you. Get some!
Claire x


  1. I couldn't agree more claire. sometimes it's great to stop with the education and just have a bit of fun...and if balls are your thing go with it! XXX

  2. You're so right, we forget sometimes that our students are little children, how often do we remember to give a bit more playtime and choices?
    Go with it is the best way to teach sometimes!

  3. Enjoying your blog, looking forward to the next piece.
