Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Free-activity-a-week! Number 2-Make Door Hangers

O.k. this week it's Door Hangers. Whether your children want to make a sign to let you know they want to relax, or 'keep out' - and then invite other's in to play has more than it's face value of uses.

Door hangers can be used for your child to communicate their needs - perhaps for some time to wind-down or just to be by themselves. Their room is their space and its a good idea to encourage them to create a relaxing corner to retreat to when needed.

So colouring pens at the ready, here's some Door Hangers that you can print off and make today:

You can aslo use the outline to really customise your own door hangers - maybe your child can add their own words.

Create a relaxation space:
For a relaxation space, you don't need too much space. Make a place in your child's bedroom for a beanbag or cushions, find some relaxation music and a blanket, or a small tent if you have room.
Practise relaxing, deep breathing and visualisations.

Have Fun!


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